Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 136 - Text reminder to existing customers

Just a couple of days before the order goes in - I like to send out a text to my previous and existing customers (if I haven't had their book back or received an order from them....)  It normally produces between 3 to 6 extra orders.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 134 - Legoland

Yes the "work when you choose to" ethic of being an Avon rep means we are spending a day at Legoland!

My Avon earnings have paid for the day out and there's no need to worry about working every day / especially during half term!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 133 - 10,000 Hits to my AVON Blogs...!!!

Since I joined AVON, 133 days ago, I have been blogging as a Rep and then as a Sales Leader and today, the combined hits to my blog have topped 10,000!!  Keep reading and I will keep writing about my AVON journey.

Day 133 - The AVON Leopard Print Nail Tips!!

YEP! Quite liking the new nail tips - easy to do, Black Speed Dry Base, tips on and then some top coat....

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 131 - AVON on your bike!

Yes, this beautiful weather has brought about a basket for my bike and a lovely new airy way to get round my round.  I think it was quicker than usual, definitely more fun for my daughter and I, we could whiz right up to people's doorsteps to pick up the books, her basket had Campaign 9's and mine the Campaign 10's.

Easy to lift of the baskets when we got back and to reshuffle the books - long may this hot weather last - it works great for my AVON!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 124 -Campaign 9 Delivery Arrives

The delivery for Campaign 9 arrives and it's all in hand within an hour and a half. Having done this a few times now, I check each customer's order, find and bag the products and leave them with a new Campaign 10 brochure (not forgetting to make that the total amount to be collected is correct on my list).

This time I needed to look back through last campaign's orders as there were extra products that had been delayed from then.

All done!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 122 - Entice customers with my own order

An idea given to me by my Area Manager today was to entice my own customers by showing them a copy of my own order for this campaign.

I have written it out and will resize it and copy it to slip into my brochures before posting them out.

What a fabulous idea to encourage customers to take a look at bargains and new products available.

Day 122 - POB on the back of the C10 book

I have just prepared my brochures for this Campaign and like the little space provided to write the POB (Link to the PERSONAL ONLINE BROCHURE):

Mine is easy to fit in, because of Essex-Reps... my POB is just:

Easy to write, fits in the space and easy for my customers to remember too!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 120 - Campaign 9 Order is ON

Today is the order for Campaign 9, I seem to have taken quite a lot less order total than the previous Campaigns, but funny enough a lot of the orders are from brand new customers, who I have persisted with giving the book to and reliably picking it up from right from the start.

I will still make a nice commission and as I am now officially a Sales Leader too (see my other blog about that) - I will make some money from my team too.

There are some lovely products in AVON at the moment, now the next phase is about keeping my existing customers happy, continuing to serve them in a timely manner, giving them some samples and the ideas about the new products, by wearing the demo's or mentioning them when we talk.

I have had a couple of my customers who always show their friends the brochure now and I do get orders from the friends directly as well - which is great.

All in all, my AVON journey has been a great experience - I am continuing it as a Representative and a Sales Leader, I have no intention of stopping - I want to continue growing.

It has given me a purpose, it has boosted my self-esteem, I have learned some people skills, selling techniques and how to keep calm and carry on!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 108 - AVON work in the evenings

It's just been a lovely evening to have Mum over for dinner, drop little one to guides, take a stroll around the village with Mum, picking up books and putting them out again.  In less than an hour, we've picked up £50 of orders and re-vamped the books, all out again, campaign 8's and campaign 9's.  I've seen two of my regular customers for a quick natter in the evening sunshine and even have time for a quick coffee before guides finishes.  Job Done.

Lovely to have these summer evenings - AVON work really can fit in around your life!