Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 56 - Another Great Success Story

Today, I got out early and collected some soggy brochures - brought them home, to find £100 of orders inside - and left them to dry out.

This afternoon, I got out and put my Campaign 6 out to another new street... and picked up a couple of regular customer's orders and stopped for a little chat!

That is me.... but I was really happy to see that there are other people quite local who are doing fantastic in AVON and I wanted to share that - so here is a news article for anyone who wants to see another real AVON success story...
How a new career as an AVON rep helped Vicky change her life

If you are reading my blog, but have yet to take the leap to be a REP for AVON in the Essex area - why not sign up TODAY to join my team.... Essex-Reps

Fill out the simple application form - I will give you a call and arrange to meet up and start you off - then I will provide everything you need (and full support) for the first two campaigns - and I will continue supporting you throughout your AVON career...

And the best bit it... you have nothing to lose because, if you don't like it, you can leave whenever you want to.

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