Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 89 - Reliability & Persistance

The two top factors to being a good AVON Rep are be RELIABLE, go back for the brochures when you say you will, go back again, don't leave them hanging around - it looks really bad if you don't bother to go back for your brochures. The Customers like it if you are regular and reliable. When they call me, I respond. When they text me, I respond. I simply do what I say I will, when I say I will.

And persistance to get my brochures back, this gets me around to more houses each time than before. If the brochure isn't out when I have said I will return, I leave them a lovely note (see earlier posts for the AVON Calling example). If it still isn't left out, I will sometimes knock and ask for it back. I get back around 80%+ of my brochures using this method. After a few times of leaving the note, I find that customers get more into the habit of leaving out the book on the right day anyway.

So that's my best tips: Reliability and Persistance.

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