Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 52 - Get Stickers for Brochures

Get stickers for brochures and then there's no more endless hours of pen-pushing to fill out the order forms.

I found a company on Ebay who charged just £5.80 (including delivery) for 3000 YES THREE THOUSAND stickers. And thats 1000 x three different varieties...

I had my name and phone number with "Order by Text if you Like" on one.
And two different messages about joining my team and the URL or Phone number on the others - job done, the time it takes to prepare my brochures and order forms has been cut by about 10! Thought I would pass it on!


  1. Hi!

    Can you share the name of the company as well please?


  2. The company were called SKELCO LABELS - found them on Ebay offering £2.95 for 1000 but two get the third one free - P&P free as well!!
